22nd February, 2023
RENKEI control as a cost-effective, quick-win solution is important to help the existing assets to reduce their carbon emissions through total optimization control as the first step for transitioning into cleaner energy. RENKEI control also has the flexibility to integrate existing assets and clean technology for ensuring seamless cooperation between them during the clean energy transition.
We will share about RENKEI Control as one of the effective Japan Low Carbon Technology for CO2 emission reduction and contributing to Carbon neutrality by 2050 to stakeholders from Thailand, Indonesia and Japan.
※ Thailand and Indonesia local time (GMT: +7)
※日本での開催時間:15:00~18:00(GMT: +9)
Mr. Takuya Watanabe as JEITA / RENKEI control WG / Conv.
Mr. Atsuhiro SAWADA as Industry System Committee / Chair
Mr.Kensuke Shiomi from METI
Prof. Yoshiharu Amano from Waseda University
Mr. Mike Suzuki as JEITA / RENKEI control WG member
Mr. Tomoyuki Ikeyama as JEITA / RENKEI control WG member
Dr. Zulfikar Yurnaidi from ACE
Representative of each JEITA member from RENKEI Control WG
Prof. David Banjerdpongchai from Chulalongkorn University
JEITA / RENKEI control WG member
JEITA / RENKEI control WG member
© copyright JEITA / Industrial Business Committee2025