About Standardization
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JEITA is actively engaged in standardization activities covering the electronics and information technology (IT) sectors. To this end, it has established standardization committees under the supervision of sub-committees and comprising experts in their various industrial fields. JEITA has been commissioned by the Japan Industrial Standards Committee (JISC) as the Japanese organization to deliberate on International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and International Standards Organization (ISO) standards for each sector. It has established IEC/ISO committees in Japan covering 21 specific sectors. The committees are engaged in a range of activities aimed at international standardization, including presenting new proposals and participating in international conferences.

1. Promoting standardization in the electronics and IT sectors
2. Administering various regulations, including the Provisions for Standards Deliberation Systems
3. Establishing JEITA standards and preparing drafts of JIS standards
4. Promoting IEC, ISO and other international standardization activities
5. Cooperating with and responding to government policies on standardization
6. Gathering information and conducting surveys and research related to standardization
7. Initiating technical exchanges and alliances with domestic and foreign standardization organizations
8. Responding to governing committees

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