
Reduction of Greenhouse Gases
Reduction of PFC (Perfluoro Compounds) emissions

PFC used in LCD manufacturing process is stable in atmosphere and it's Global Warming Potential (GWP;which defines the greenhouse effectiveness) is several thousand times, or more as high as that of CO2.

LCD manufacturers are working together to reduce PFC emission through voluntary reduction plan.

LIREC in JEITA proposed to EDIRAK (Electronic Display Industrial Research Association of Korea) and TTLA (Taiwan TFT LCD Association) to establish worldwide WLICC (World LCD Industry Cooperation Committee) at the LCD industry level in each country and since July 2001 it has officially started to reduce voluntarily PFC emissions as one of the main activities.

LCD manufacturers have established WLICC (World LCD Industry Cooperation Committee) as worldwide LCD manufacturers committee to work on environmental and safety issues in July 2001.

Flow of PFC in TFT manufacturing process

Flow of PFC

Energy Savings of LCDs Contribution as an energy saving product
  Impact to the global warming
Liquid Crystal Materials Influence to the living body
  Liquid crystal materials in LCD panel
Recycling of LCD Panel Recycling activities
Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Reduction of PFC emissions

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