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Energy Savings of LCDs
Contribution as an energy saving product

How many LCDs are used for PCs in Japan?

How many PCs will switch over to LCD?

76% of PCs will use LCDs in 2003.

Energy Savings of LCDs in Japan

Energy Savings of LCDs
Energy Consumption
Amount of energy consumption of PCs would reach to 6 billion kWh in 2003 if LCDs did not exist in Japan.

The change over from CRT to LCD contributes to reduction of power consumption to 3 billion kWh, which is equivalent to the amount of total power consumption consumed by about one million households yearly.

Power Generation Demand
  No. of PCs
Watts per PC
Operating rate
Power generation
(10,000 kW)
No LCD exist
Desktop PC
44 133 65 380
LCD in market
Desktop PC
10.6 133 65 92 175
Desktop PC
11.4 73 65 54
Notebook PC
22 20 65 29
  Difference 205

In 2003, LCDs will reduce electric power equivalent to that generated by 2nuclear power generation plants.( 1 million kW per plant).

Source: The Mechanical Social Systems Foundation, Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association "Study Report of LCD Environmental Impact and Recycling Process" (Mar. 2000)

Energy Savings of LCDs Contribution as an energy saving product
  Impact to the global warming
Liquid Crystal Materials Influence to the living body
  Liquid crystal materials in LCD panel
Recycling of LCD Panel Recycling activities
Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Reduction of PFC emissions

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