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- A.1: Appliance
In “2. Scope” of Japanese Guideline for Reduction of Harmonic Emission, it is stated that “This guideline applies to electrical and electronic devices (appliances, general-use equipment) with a rated current of 20 A/phase or less, which are to be connected to public power supply systems at a voltage of 300 V or less. However, this does not preclude the adoption of this guideline for equipment outside this range of applicability.”
In this plan, the Japanese Guideline for Reduction of Harmonic Emission is adopted for use with equipment with a rated current of 20 A or less, in conformance with the above METI guideline; for equipment with a rated current exceeding 20 A, the Japanese Guideline for Reduction of Harmonic Emission is adopted with modifications. In the event that the Guideline is not adopted with modifications even if rated current is more than 20A, the another Guideline “Guideline to reduce harmonics emissions in Appliances Receiving High Voltages or Special High Voltages” will be applied.
- A.2: Period of Application
For equipment with a rated input power of 1 kW or less, the implementation plan shall be applied to equipment to be shipped in Japan as new products on or after January 1, 1996, in keeping with the JEITA Primary Guideline “Guideline to Suppress Harmonics in Electronic Computers and Related Equipment” issued by this association in July 1993. For equipment with a rated input power exceeding 1 kW, a similar preparatory period will be provided, and guideline will apply to equipment shipped as new products on or after January 1, 1997, after an interval of one year.
- A.3: Application of Rated Input Power
Rated input power should be determined according to cl.2 “Definitions” by manufacturer. However, recently there are many ITE or related products, which has battery or power management function and these contribute power saving of rated input wattage. So, it is permitted to calculate rated input power to take into consideration of this effect.
This is the standard example:
 | General average power consumption of note type PC under normal operation condition (installed in many PC's) located in office is about 35W.
(From “Energy saving of PC and related peripheral appliances” - JEITA International Energy star committee's report) |
 | Previously, rated input power was stated equal to maximum power in charging condition. That was about 60W. This is almost double of average power consumption in normal operation(35W). |
 | Furthermore, if power management function is taking into consideration, mean power consumption is 18.5W/day, this is 30% of Maximum power wattage, 60W.
Recent actual power consumption become very lower than previous definition of rated input power. So, we allowed describing the wattage in normal operation.ex.35W as a rated input power. |
NOTE: | Definition of “rated input power” in this guideline is different from actual rated input power consumption value, which is described in nameplate or operational manual. to avoid misunderstanding, it is better to describe distinguishable manner between “rated input power” in this guideline's meaning and actual “rated input power consumption value”.
For this guideline's meaning, it is better to describe in catalogue or operational manual as a different expression like this:
“The rated input power(power consumption: W) based on Plan for Implementation of“ Japanese Guideline for Reduction of Harmonic Emission” issued by JEITA.”
As for a definition of Laser printer and similar equipment's input power, effective power, definition, refer to “Guideline to reduce harmonic emissions caused by copying machine and similar equipment” issued by JBMA*.
*Japan Business Machine Makers Association |
- A.4: Limit Values for Harmonic Currents
All harmonic current limits was quoted from the Japanese Guideline for Reduction of Harmonic Emission.
Former criteria for over 200V rated equipment was defined originally, but, those criteria was quoted into the Japanese Guideline for Reduction of Harmonic Emission, then deleted those criteria and quoted from the Guideline.
As for class A equipment, the limitation on table 1A have applied by Dec.31, 1999. However as the result of reviewing the tentative deadline date, the tentative deadline date was changed from Dec.31, 1999 to Dec.31, 2003 and during the term, table 1A and table 1-1A, for 200V 3 phase equipment, can be applied.
Moreover, about application of class D equipment having an active input power of 75W or less (exceeding 50W), it had been excepted till Dec. 31, 2000. This time, the tentative deadline date was postponed for three years till Dec. 31, 2003.
However, in the case that its application of no limits is recognized as a serious effect on the harmonics problems, the tentative date will be terminated at the time even in the period before the deadline date. (Be based on “Japanese Guideline for Reduction of Harmonic Emission”.)