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ホーム Topics 委員会概要 実行計画書 ガイドラインQ&A 合同説明会資料 ガイドラインPDF
Jun. 2001
 2. 用語
Plan for Implementation
 2. Definitions
 4.Equipment Classification
 5.Harmonic Current Limiting Values
 6.Measurement Methods
 7.Statement for Conformance or Conformance with Modifications and statement rated input power
 8.Submission of a Notice of Conformance to Harmonics Guideline
 9.Time Frame for Replacement of Existing Equipment
 A.2Period of Application
 A.3Application of Rated Input Power
 A.4Limit Values for Harmonic Currents
 A.5Measurement Methods
 A.6Statement for conformance to Harmonics Guideline
 A.7Submission of a Notice of Conformance to Harmonics Guideline
 A.8Difference between the Japanese Guideline for Reduction of Harmonic


A.6: Statement for conformance to Harmonics Guideline

Statement for conformance should be described in behind of operational manual's top sheet or something like that in an outstanding manner.

A.7: Submission of a Notice of Conformance to Harmonics Guideline

In order to grasp status of conformity of harmonics suppression requirement of JEITA member companies, we asked each member company to submit Notice of Conformance to our committee. Based on this letter, we are reporting member companies activity status for suppress harmonics and rate of passing our guideline annually to senior committee of IEC SC77A Japanese National Committee.

So, please submit us all your product's Notice of conformance to our committee. From now on, attachment test data sheet, which we have used to ask for submit, is no need to submit. However, we recommend keeping test data with Notice of conformance to Harmonics Guideline.


A.8: Difference between the Japanese Guideline for Reduction of Harmonic Emission and This Implementation Plan

The major differences between the Japanese Guideline for Reduction of Harmonic Emission and this plan for their implementation on the one hand, are indicated in the following table (Table A).

Table A:
Difference between Japanese Guideline for Reduction of Harmonic Emission and this Implementation plan
Item Japanese Guideline for Reduction of Harmonic Emission(Dec,2000) This Implementation plan Note
Appliance Electric and electronic Equipment with a rated voltage of 20A/phase or less, connected to a public power supply system of voltage 300V or less during use (can be applied with modifications to electronic computers used at 300V or less and over 20A/phase) Applied to electronic computers  
Period of application Not specified From Jan 1 1996 for equipment at 1kW or less shipped as a new product; from Jan 1 1997 for equipment exceeding 1kW shipped as a new product  
Equipment classification Class A,B,C,D Class A,D  
Limit values for harmonic currents
Class A: Table 1
Class B: Table 1 x 1.5
Class C: Table 2
Class D: Table 3
Provisional values for Class A(Air conditioners, Computers):
Table1A(3 phase 200V equipment: Table 1-1A) Provisional limit values shall be applied until Dec.31,2003
Class A: same
Class D: same
Provisional values for class A:
Measurement circuits Input impedance specified Equipment at or under 20A/phase: same
Impedance stipulated equipment exceeding 20A/phase: Specified
Measurement power supply source Specified Same  
Measurement equipment Specified Same  
Measurement conditions Specified for electric and electronic equipment in general(Including electronic computers) Specific conditions added to METI guideline condition  
Statement of conformance Specified Same  
Submission of Notice of Conformance Not specified Specified Notice of Conformance to Harmonics Guideline
Special provisions for low-power class D equipment Guideline not to be applied to equipment at 50W or less (for equipment at 75W or less, limit values not to be applied until Dec.31,2003) Same  


JEITA (C) Copyright by the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association